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Grade 12 Physics

Nehemiah Estifanos
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Here is the class outline:

1. Thermodynamics

1 hr, 15 min

2. temperature and zeroth law of thermodynamics

3 hrs

3. heat ,work ad internal energy

4. First Law of Thermodynamics

1 hr, 20 min

5. thermodynamic process

6. Ideal gas behaviour

7. The relation between microscopic and macroscopic variables

8. Kinetic Theory of Gases

40 min

9. Heat Capacity of an Ideal Gas

1 hr, 15 min

10. Adiabatic Processes of an Ideal Gas

1 hr, 20 min

11. Second Law of Thermodynamics

1 hr, 20 min

12. Entropy and Second Law of Thermodynamics

40 min

13. statements of second law of thermodynamics

2 hrs

14. Heat Engines

1 hr, 20 min

15. Heat Pump

1 hr, 20 min

16. Refrigerator

3 hrs

17. Thermodynamic Cycles

40 min

18. Diesel engine

40 min

19. Diesel Engine

40 min

20. Carnot Engine

45 min

21. Periodic and Oscillatory motion

2 hrs

22. Simple Harmonic Motion

1 hr, 20 min

23. Simple harmonic motion

40 min

24. Period and Frequency of SHM Motion

40 min

25. Velocity and Acceleration in Simple Harmonic Motion

2 hrs

26. Acceleration of SHM Motion

35 min

27. Energy in simple harmonic motion

2 hrs

28. Mechanical Wave

40 min

29. Longitudinal and transverse wave

40 min

30. Electromagnetic Waves

40 min

31. Progressive waves

32. Wave Speed on a Stretched String

33. Energy and Power of a Wave

34. Wave Equation for Travelling Mechanical Wave

40 min

35. Wave Number and Angular Frequency

40 min

36. Travelling Wave

40 min

37. Equation of Travelling Wave

40 min

38. Standing Wave

40 min

39. Standing Wave in String

45 min

40. Standing Wave in a Pipe

40 min

41. superposition of waves

42. Standing Waves and Resonance

43. sound waves

44. Beat

45. Doppler Effect

40 min

46. Huygen’s Principle

47. Wave Front

40 min

48. Wave Optics and Light Wave

49. reflection and refraction of light wave

50. refraction and snell's law

51. examples of snell's law

40 min

52. interference of light

40 min

53. monochromatic and coherent light

40 min

54. Thomas young slit experiment

40 min

55. Interference of Light Waves and Young’s Experiment

56. Diffraction

57. Thomas single slit experiment

40 min

58. Thomas double slit experiment

40 min

59. Thomas slit experiment and diffraction

60. diffraction grating of light wave

40 min

61. electrostatics

40 min

62. Electric charges

63. Basic Properties of Electric Charge

64. coulomb's law

65. Forces Between Multiple Charges

66. electric charge and drift velocity

40 min

67. current density and resistance of conductor

68. resistance of conductor

69. electric field

70. Electric Field Lines

71. Electric Flux

72. Electric Dipole

73. Gauss’s Law

74. Gauss’s Law

2 hrs

75. Electrostatic Potential due to a Point Charge

2 hrs

76. Equipotential surface

2 hrs

77. Electrostatic Potential due to an Electric Dipole

2 hrs

78. Electric potential difference

2 hrs

79. electric potential energy

2 hrs

80. Potential Energy of a System of Charges

2 hrs

81. Capacitors and Capacitance

2 hrs

82. parallel plate capacitor

40 min

83. combination of capacitors

40 min

84. Effect of Dielectric on Capacitance

2 hrs

85. energy stored in a capacitor

40 min

86. charging a capacitor

40 min

87. discharging a capacitor

40 min

88. steady state electric current

89. electric circuit with resistance

2 hrs

90. electromotive force and internal resistance

2 hrs

91. combination of resistance in a circuit

2 hrs

92. Kirchhoff's rule

93. measuring devises, ammeter

2 hrs

94. measuring devises voltmeter

3 hrs

95. Galvanometer acts as ammeter

3 hrs

96. galvanometer acts as voltmeter

2 hrs

97. wheat stone bridge circuit

2 hrs

98. potential dividing circuit

3 hrs

99. magnetism

2 hrs

100. magnetic property of materials

3 hrs

101. magnetic field

2 hrs

102. Magnetic field intensity

2 hrs

103. magnetic force

104. motion of charged particle in magnetic field

2 hrs

105. motion of charged particle inside both magnetic and electric field

2 hrs

106. Motion in Combined Electric and Magnetic Field

3 hrs

107. magnetic flux

2 hrs

108. magnetic field due to current element and biot-savart law

3 hrs

109. Torque on Current Loop & Magnetic Dipole

110. Ampere's law

3 hrs

111. solenoid and toroids

3 hrs

112. electromagnetic induction

113. Faraday's law

114. Lenz's law

115. Motional electromotive force

116. Rms voltage and current

117. inductance

118. AC generstor

119. Transformer

120. AC Voltage Applied to a Resistor

121. AC Voltage Applied to an Inductor

122. AC Voltage Applied to a Capacitor

123. AC Voltage Applied to a Series LCR Circuit

124. Alternating Current – LC Oscillations

125. Power in AC Circuit : The Power Factor

126. Power factor

3 hrs

127. Black body and electromagnetic radiation

128. Photoelectric Effect

2 hrs

129. Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation : Energy Quantum of Radiation

2 hrs

130. Particle Nature of Light : The Photon

131. Wave Nature of Matter

132. Heisenberg's uncertainity principle

133. Alpha-Particle Scattering and Rutherford’s Nuclear Model of Atom

134. Atomic Spectra

2 hrs

135. Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom

2 hrs

136. The Line Spectra of the Hydrogen Atom

2 hrs

137. DE Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s Second Postulate of Quantisation

1 hr

138. Atomic Masses and Composition of Nucleus

2 hrs

139. Size of the Nucleus

2 hrs

140. Nuclear Force

2 hrs

141. Nucleus – Radioactivity

2 hrs

142. Nuclear Energy

2 hrs