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English (ESL)

Grade 10 English

Yetmgeta Kibret
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Here is the class outline:


2. The Future perfect Continuous Tense

They will use the structure as desired.

3. Comparison

4. Adverb of time

5. present perfect tense

6. Talking about future plans

7. Adverbs of frequency

8. Giving advice

simple ways to give advice

9. Modal verbs for advice

grammar lesson

10. simple present tense


11. present perfect continuous tense

uses of present perfect continuous tense

12. Past perfect tense

13. Simple past tense

14. sense verbs



preposition uses

16. Indefinite pronouns




18. conditionals

19. Verb patterns

10 min

verb + -ing or to + infinitive

20. reported speech

tense changes

21. Change in time, place & pronoun

Time place & pronoun changes

22. Reporting questions,commands & requests

23. Punctuation

24. suffixes

about affixes

25. Formal letters

rules to follow in writing formal letters

26. Informal letter

letter writing rules

27. Review: present perfect tense

revision activity

28. since__ for__ago

present perfect tense using some adverbs

29. Modal verbs of probability and possibility

more about uses of modal verbs

30. Using so and neither

so, either, neither.......

31. Right and Wrong English Expressions

Idiomatic expressions

32. Apologizing

How to make apologies

33. Adjectives of character

Adjectives used to express character


About using adverbs of manner properly.

35. Direct object

uses of direct object

36. Indirect object

Identifying indirect object

37. Pronunciation - word stress

Pronouncing words

38. POEM: The man I killed

Reading a poem

39. The language of advertisements

They will learn languages for advertisement.

40. Expressing your opinion

Students will express their opinion

41. WH-questions ( question words )

How to make questions using WH-question words.

42. Extreme adjectives

They will know and use extreme adjectives.

43. Rules for extreme adjectives

They will know rules for extreme adjectives

44. Modifiers of comparison

Comparing adjectives and adverbs

45. Fact vs Opinion

They will distinguish between fact and opinion

46. Pros and Cons of advertisement

They will distinguish advantages and disadvantages of advertisement

47. Adverbs of degree

To what extent adverbs can be used

48. More about pronouns

uses of different forms of pronouns

49. Reflexive and demonstrative pronouns

they will know different pronoun forms.

50. Possessive and relative pronouns

They will know and use different forms of pronouns.

51. Interrogative, Reciprocal and Intensive pronouns

They will know and use different pronoun forms.

52. Guessing the meaning of unknown words

They will know meanings from the context

53. Using so and such

They will know and use so and such in sentences.

54. Drug abuse

They will know about drug abuse.

55. More about modal verbs

They will know more about modal verbs.

56. How to use dictionary

They will know and use dictionary properly

57. Cause and effect

They can reason out events.

58. The past simple passive

They will know and use the past simple passive

59. Zero conditional

they will know and use zero conditionals

60. Expression of quantity

They will express quantity

61. Preposition of time

They will use prepositions as desired.

62. Active and passive verbs

They will identify active and passive verbs and usages.

63. Making wishes

They will express their wishes.

64. Verb or adjective + preposition

Verb + preposition or adjective + preposition will be used

65. Articles a, an and the

They will use the artcles properly

66. Using too and enough

They will use too and enough correctly.

67. state verbs

They know and use state verbs

68. Using the with place names

They will use article the properly.

69. Verb patterns (||)

They will know vwrb patterns and use correctly.

70. Adding prefixes (||)

They will add prefixes.

71. Word building

They will make different words.

72. Using Which and That

They will use which and that properly.

73. The present simple passive

They will form present simple passive.


They will compair things.

75. Using make and do

They will use make and do patterns as desired.

76. Different kinds of energy sources

They will know different energy sources

77. Potential and kinetic energy

They will differentiate potential and kinetic energy.

78. Prepositions with verbs/ adjectives

They will use prepisitions with verbs/ adjectives.

79. Using too and enough (||)

They will use too and enough appropriately.

80. Passive verb forms

They will use verb forms.

81. Collocation of get

They will use collocation of get.

82. Conditional tense with will

They will use conditional tenses

83. Drawing up a CV

They will prepare their own CV.

84. Using for and since

They will use for and since as desired

85. Simple present passive

They will use simple present passive

86. Present continuous passive

They will use present continuous passive

87. past simple passive

They will use past simple passive sentences.

88. past continuous passive

They will use past continuous passive

89. Subject -verb agreement

90. Phrasal verbs

91. Spelling and word power

92. The participle

93. Past participle

94. The Perfect Participle

95. Collocation of Words

96. Collocation of words

97. Collocation of words

98. Collocation of words

99. Collocation of Words

100. Collocation of words

101. Future Perfect Tense

102. End Punctuation Marks

103. Internal Punctuation marks

104. Prepositions of place

105. The Impossible condition

106. Inversion

107. Impossible Condition

108. past perfect continuous tense

They will know the form and use as desired.

109. Present Perfect Continuous Tense - Passive

They will use the pattern as desired.

110. Future perfect continuous passive

They will use the pattern as desired

111. Using ''too'' and ''enough''

112. Active and passive voice

113. Reported Speech


They will know and use tenses accordingly.

115. Sentence patterns with adjectives

They will use different sentence with adjectives.

116. Using to get

They will use the pattern as desired.

117. Using ''even''

They will use even in different patterns.

118. Expressing sympathy

They will express their sympathy as desired.

119. Present perfect vs simple past tenses

They will identify the difference between the two tenses.

120. Making generalizations

They will use patterns to generalize ideas.