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English (ESL)

Grade 9 English

Tedla Alemayehu
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Here is the class outline:

1. The Simple Present Tense

40 min

2. The Forms of the Simple Present Tense

1 hr

3. Asking Question

30 min

4. Other Forms of Asking Question (2)

5. Expressing obligation and necessity

1 hr

6. Modal verbs of Permission and Obligation

7. writing a letter

1 hr

8. Informal Letter Writing Format

9. Punctuation

10. Punctuation (2)

11. Present Continuous Tense

12. Verbs That are not Usually Used In the Continuous Form

30 min

13. Making Sudden Decision

1 hr

14. Vocabulary Development on Health and Health Care

1 hr

15. Seasons and The Weather Vocabulary

1 hr

16. Describing Places

17. Asking For and Giving Direction

1 hr

18. Asking Question Politely

19. Future Possibility

20. Going To

21. Has/Have

22. The Present Perfect Tense

23. Pronunciation of Ending

24. 'Mak'e and 'Do'

25. 'Make' and 'Do' (2)

26. Too, Too Much, Too many, Enough

30 min

27. Adverbs of Frequency

28. Collocation

29. Agreeing and Disagreeing

30. Proverb

31. Proverb (2)

32. Proverb (3)

33. Adjectives

34. Preposition

35. Pronunciation of Word Stress

36. Pronunciation Word Stress (2)

37. If Sentence

38. Past Participle

39. Comparative and Superlative Adjective

40. Expressing Sympathy

41. Obligation and Duties

42. Indirect Question

43. Describing People

44. How to Write a Biography

45. Making Comparison

46. Making a News Program

47. Expressing Opinion

48. Kinds of Sentence

49. An Essay Introduction

50. Radio Interview

51. Synonym and Antonym

52. Synonym and Antonym (2)

53. The Present Perfect Tense

54. Reporting What Someone Has Said

55. Reporting Verbs

56. Word Stress

57. Word Stress (2)

58. Linking Sentences

59. Predicting the Future

60. Passive Sentence

61. Using Comparative and Superlative

62. Riddles

63. Dialogue In a Bank

64. Verb and Verb Pattern

65. Essay Conclusion

66. Expressing Surprise

67. If Sentence

68. Making a Summary

69. Verb and Verb Pattern: -To/-Ing

70. Quantifiers

71. Doubling Consonants

72. Homonyms

73. Probability and Possibility

74. Sequencing Words

75. Adverbs of Manner

76. Time Expression

77. Expressing Opinion

78. Debate

79. Festival Words

80. Parts of the Body

81. Asking for Clarrification

82. Using Ago

83. Writing a Paragraph

84. Reading: Festival

85. A News Story

86. A News Story (2)

87. Agreeing, Disagreeing and Giving Opinions

88. Using All, Every, No, None, Both, Neither, Either

89. A Bank Robbery

90. More about Adverbs

91. What is a News Paper?

92. Debate

93. Word Stress

94. Past Present Future

95. News Paper Reports

96. Fact or Opinion

97. The Haiti Earth Quake

98. Newspaper Interview

99. Using a Dictionary

100. Animal Families

101. Revising the Present Perfect Tense

102. Using a, an and the

103. Animal Expressions

104. Animal Expressions (2)

105. Animal Expressions (3)

106. The World in Danger

107. Cause and Effect

108. Endangered Animals

109. A description of an animal

110. Some and Any

111. Reading: How Lion and Warthog became enemies

112. Relative Clause

113. Reading: Disability

114. Using Articles

115. Pollysylabic Words

116. Stigma and Descrimination

117. Present perfect continuous with FOR and SINCE

118. Using the Present Perfect

119. Topic Sentences

120. Demonstrative pronouns & the use of “there is/ there are”

121. Expressing Purpose with to, so as to, in order to, so that, for

122. Linking Words or Discourse Markers

123. Revision Lesson-1 to be inserted later after lesson 3

124. Revision Lesson-2 to be inserted after lesson 6

125. Revision Lesson 3 to be inserted after lesson 9

126. Revision Lesson 4 to be inserted after lesson 12

127. Revision Lesson 5 to be inserted after lesson 15

128. Revision Lesson 6 to be inserted after lesson 18

129. Revision lesson 7 to be inserted after lesson 21

130. Revision lesson 8 to be inserted after lesson 24

131. Revision lesson 9 to be inserted after lesson 27

132. Revision lesson 10 to be inserted after lesson 30

133. Revision lesson 11 to be inserted after lesson 33

134. Revision lesson 12 to be inserted after lesson 36

135. revision lesson -13

136. Revision lesson 14 to be inserted after lesson 42

137. Revision lesson15 to be inserted later after lesson 45

138. Revision lesson16 to be inserted later after lesson 48

139. Revision lesson17 to be inserted later after lesson 51

140. Revision Lesson 18 to be inserted after lesson 54

141. Revision Lesson 19 to be inserted after lesson 57

142. Revision Lesson 20 to be inserted after lesson 60

143. Revision Lesson 21 to be inserted after lesson 63

144. Revision Lesson 22 to be inserted after lesson 66

145. Revision Lesson 23 to be inserted after lesson 69

146. Revision lesson 24 to be inserted after lesson 72

147. Revision lesson 25 to be inserted after lesson 75

148. Revision lesson 26 to be inserted after lesson 78

149. Revision lesson 27 to be inserted after lesson 81

150. Revision lesson 28 to be inserted after lesson 84

151. Revision Lesson 29 to be inserted after lesson 87

152. Revision Lesson 30 to be inserted after lesson 90

153. Revision Lesson 31 to be inserted after lesson 93

154. Revision Lesson 32 to be inserted after lesson 96

155. Revision lesson 33 to be inserted after lesson 99

156. Revision Lesson 34 to be inserted after lesson 102

157. Revision Lesson 35 to be inserted after lesson 105

158. Revision Lesson 36 to be inserted after lesson 112

159. Revision Lesson 37 to be inserted after lesson 118

160. Revision Lesson 38 to be inserted after lesson 122