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Grade 9 Physics

Aschalew Shewafera
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Here is the class outline:

1. Vectors

30 min

Unit one

2. Fundamental (basic) and Derived quantities

40 min

Unit 1

3. Addition and sSubtraction of Vectors

35 min

4. Adding Perpendicular Vectors

30 min

5. Adding Non-parallel and Non-perpendicular vectors

6. Some Application of Vectors

35 min


35 min

8. Uniformly Accelerated Motion

35 min

9. Graphical Description of Uniformly Accelerated Motion

30 min

10. Calculating Velocity

40 min

11. Velocity-Time Graph

35 min

12. The Equations of Uniformly Accelerated Motion

35 min

13. Velocity- Time Graph for S= ut+1/2(at2)

35 min

14. Free Fall

40 min


35 min

16. Forces in Nature

30 min

17. Effects of Force

35 min

18. Hooke's Law

35 min

19. Newton's Second Law

35 min

20. Mass and Weight

35 min

21. True Weightlessness and Apparent Weightlessness

35 min

22. Frictional Force

35 min

23. Friction and Inclined Planes

35 min

24. Reducing Friction

35 min

25. Newton's Third Law

35 min

26. Linear Momentum

34 min

27. The law of Conservation of Linear Momentum

40 min

28. Acting on Impulse

40 min

29. Explosion

40 min

30. The First Condition of Equilibrium

35 min

31. Work,Energy and Power

40 min

32. Work Done Against Gravity (W gravity)

35 min

33. Work done against both gravity and friction

30 min

34. What If The Force F Varies?

35 min

35. Work - Energy Theorem

30 min

36. The Work – Energy Theorem

35 min

37. Potential Energies

35 min

38. Elastic Potential Energy

30 min

39. The Law of Conservation of Energy

30 min

40. Kinetic Energy and Momentum

30 min

41. Energy Resources

30 min

42. Energy in an Oscillating System

30 min

43. Renewable Energy Resources

30 min

44. Mechanical Power

30 min

45. Comparing the Joule and the Kilowatt-Hour

25 min

46. Power and Velocity

30 min

47. Simple Machines

40 min

48. Different Types of Simple Machines

30 min

49. Mechanical advantage (MA) and Velocity ratio (VR)

35 min

50. Efficiency of machines

40 min

51. Inclined plane, wedge and screw

40 min

52. Wedges

35 min

53. The screw

30 min

54. Levers

30 min

55. Classes of levers

35 min

56. Wheel and Axel

30 min

57. Gears

58. Pulley

30 min

lesson 56

59. Air pressure and atmospheric pressure

60. Measuring Atmospheric Pressure

30 min

61. Fluid Pressure

30 min

62. 2. Pressure in fluids

30 min

63. Pascal’s Principle and hydraulic machines

30 min

64. Measuring pressure

40 min

65. Archimedes principle

66. Floating and sinking

30 min

67. WHAT ABOUT DENSITY? The 3rd factor

30 min



70. Temperature scales:-

71. TEMPERATURE cont...

30 min

72. The first law of thermodynamics

30 min

73. The second law of thermodynamics

30 min

74. The expansion of solids

30 min

75. Area (surface) expansion

30 min

76. Volume expansion of solids

30 min

77. Applications of thermal expansion

30 min

78. Expansion of liquids

30 min

79. Expansion of solids, liquids and gases

30 min

80. The unusual behavior of water

30 min

81. Quantity of heat, specific heat capacity, and heat capacity.

30 min

82. Finding the Specific heat capacity (C) of a substance

30 min

83. Method of mixtures

20 min

84. What is the heat capacity of a body?

30 min

85. Change of State

20 min

86. Specific latent heat

87. specific latent heat cont....

30 min


30 min

89. Longitudinal and transverse waves

30 min

90. Mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves.

30 min

91. Mechanical vs. electromagnetic waves

30 min

92. Properties of waves

30 min

93. Wave behavior:

30 min

94. Introduction to diffraction and interference

30 min


30 min

96. SOUND WAVES cont...

30 min

97. The Intensity of sound waves

30 min

98. The uses of Sound wave

30 min

99. Revision on Lesson One, Two and Three

100. Revision on Lesson Four Five and Six

101. Revision on Lesson Seven Eight and Nine

102. Revision on Lesson 13,14 and 15

103. Revision on Lesson 16,17 and 18

104. Revision on Lesson 19,20 and 21

105. Revision on Lesson 25,26 and 27

106. Revision on Lesson 28,29 and 30

107. Revision on Lesson 31,32 and 33

108. Revision on Lesson 34,35 and 36

109. Revision on Lesson 37,38, and 39

110. Revision on Lesson 40,41 and 42

111. Revision on Lesson 43,44 and 45

112. Revision on Lesson 46,47 and 48

113. Revision on Lesson 49,51 and 51

114. Revision on Lesson 52,53 and 54

115. Revision on Lesson 55,56 and 57

116. Revision on Lesson 58,59 and 60

117. Revision on Lesson 61,62,63

118. Revision on Lesson 64,65 and 66

119. Revision on Lesson 67, 68 and 69

120. Revision on Lesson 70, 71 and 72

121. Revision on Lesson 73, 74 and 75

122. Revision on Lesson 76.77 and 78

123. Revision on Lesson 79, 80 and 81

124. Revision on Lesson 82, 83 and 84

125. Revision on Lesson 85, 86 and 87

126. Revision on Lesson 88, 89 and 90

127. Revision on Lesson 91, 92 and 93

128. Revision on Lesson 94,95 and 96

129. Revision on Lesson 97 and 98

130. Revision on Lesson 10,11 and 12

131. Revision on Lesson 22,23 and 24