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Grade 11 Physics

Mammo Ketele
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Here is the class outline:

1. Measurement and practical work

40 min

2. The number of significant figures in measurement

40 min

3. Experimental errors in measurement

40 min

4. Vector quantities

40 min

5. Vector addition and subtraction

40 min

6. Adding cooplanar vector mathematically

40 min

7. scalar dot product of vector

40 min

8. the cross product of vector

40 min

9. Unit vector along vector A ,B and C

40 min

10. Application of vector

40 min

11. Kinematic

40 min

12. Instantaneous velocity

40 min

13. Instantaneous acceleration

40 min

14. Free falling body

40 min

15. Vertically down ward throws

40 min

16. Graphical description of uniform motion

40 min

17. Velocity time graph

40 min

18. The acceleration time graph

40 min

19. Projectile motion

40 min

20. Horizontal projection

40 min

21. Inclined projection

40 min

22. Range of projectile motion

40 min

23. Uniform circular motion

40 min

24. Tangential velocity

40 min

25. Centripetal acceleration

40 min

26. Motion of vertical circle

40 min

27. Motion of satellite

40 min

28. Dynamics

40 min

29. Newton second law

40 min

30. Frictional force on inclined plane

40 min

31. Tension force on pulley

40 min

32. Impulse

40 min

33. Conservation of linear momentum

40 min

34. Elastic and inelastic collision

40 min

35. Inelastic collision

40 min

36. Glancing collision

40 min

37. Finding center mass

40 min

38. Momentum conservation on variable mass system

40 min

39. Explosion

40 min

40. Dynamics of uniform circular motion

40 min

41. Work

40 min

42. Work done by constant and variable force

40 min

43. Work energy theorem

40 min

44. elastic potential energy

40 min

45. Conservation of energy

40 min

46. power,conservative and non conservative force

40 min

47. Rotational motion

40 min

48. centripetal acceleration and centripetal force

40 min

49. torque and angular acceleration

40 min

50. work done by torque

40 min

51. rotational kinetic energy

40 min

52. Moment of inertia of different objects

40 min

53. Angular momentum

40 min

54. Law of conservation of angular momentum and impulse

40 min

55. Equilibrium of a particle

30 min

56. First condition of Equilibrium

30 min

57. Torque

25 min

58. Second condition of equilibrium

45 min

59. Properties of bulk matter

30 min

60. Hooke’s law and elasticity

45 min

61. Bulk modulus

30 min

62. Shear modulus

63. Pressure (P)

64. Measuring Atomshperic Pressure

65. Fluid Pressure

66. Pressure in Fluids

67. Stress- strain relation

68. Modulus of elasticity

69. effects of Atmospheric Pressure

70. Surface tension surface energy

71. Angle of contact and capillary action

72. Fluid dynamics

73. Equation of continuity & Bernoulli’s principle /equation

74. Viscosity & Poiseuille’s law, Stokes’s law and terminal velocity

75. Heat, temperature, internal energy and work

76. Change of State & Heat transfer

77. Thermal conductivity & Thermal conductivity